Waiting by Kate Farrell


£4 / 7 EU / $10
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“The idea for the story began with the final line, with a ‘what if. . .’ moment then I worked back from it.

I tend to create monsters, psychotic children, murderous teenagers and so forth, and I wanted to see
if I could create someone who was good and gentle, unreservedly and unashamedly and unfashionably nice.

I enjoy giving my characters names and if I struggle with that then the creation never seems to ring true for me.

Edna Gould presented no such problems. She was born in simpler times, her life lacks what we
might term as excitement, but then so much is in the eye of the beholder.

Recently widowed she is now finding her feet and ready to sample new experiences on a scale
compatible with her needs.

She has such hopes.”

Kate Farrell lives in Edinburgh. As she is pathologically indisposed to describe a happy ending, the former actress now writes ‘contes cruels’ wherein bad things happen to bad people; sometimes the innocent suffer too. Several of her stories have been published in various anthologies, including three editions of Charles Black’s Black Books of Horror and two of Paul Finch’s Terror Tales. Also, The Screaming Book of Horror, Best British Horror, and Stephen Jones’s Best New Horror. Kate’s debut novella My Name is Mary Sutherland was published by PS Publishing, and her first collection of short stories And Nobody Lived Happily Ever After, by Parallel Universe Publications. She has won awards for two stories, Mea Culpa and the original short story My Name Is Mary Sutherland, for one sonnet and one haiku. The opening chapter of the novel Or The Cat Gets It won the Linen Press award for their Beginnings Competition. For further information Kate’s website is: mynameiskatefarrell.com

Available as a paperback, limited to 100 numbered copies, or as an ebook here.

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